Saturday, March 31, 2007

Facebook...the obsession

I can't complain really. I was warned. I asked Pam, "What's Facebook?" and she said, "Don't start, it's just another way to waste your time." So there you have it. I did not heed that warning and now I am in need of a twelve step program. Or a pill. Something...because I can't seem to help myself. I think I have checked my email more times in the last two weeks than I have in the two years previous to that. Seriously. Thankfully I'm at a job right now where they frequently tell me to "take 5". Or unthankfully is maybe how I should put it. It's only feeding my addiction. If I had to go the whole day without checking to see if I had been tagged in a photo or it someone had written on my wall maybe I would forget about it by the time I got home. Or not.

I think my problem is that I have lost touch with so many people over the years. Facebook is this thing that can suddenly bring me back in contact with people who were once my friends. People that I just stopped talking to over time, or maybe they stopped talking to me. Which happens to everyone. But it seems to more so with me which I think says something about my character. I'm still trying to figure out what it says. That's enough over-analyzing Facebook for tonight. I think it's good. And bad. And a whole lot of fun. And I am proud to stand up and say, "My name is Krista, and I am a Facebook addict.


Jaime's Blog said...

Way to be Proud.. and rightfully so... !!

Sider Family said...

The first step is admitting that you have a problem. On to step two...

tflem said...

Remember how I told you I was going to take down my profile... yah, I've already checked facebook twice since I got home from seeing you and about to log on again right now. Cheers, T